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UMC - 100 years!

Soon, on November 19, 2021, our partners, the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, will celebrate their 100th anniversary.

In honor of this event, they have gathered interesting historical facts from the history of meteorology in general and the history of meteorological observations in Ukraine in particular:

  • Meteorology as a science emerged after the invention of the thermometer by Galileo Galilei and the barometer by Otto von Guericke in the 17th century. During that time, the first hygrometer, rain gauge, anemometer, and weather vane were also developed.

  • The first network of meteorological stations in Europe was established in Italy in 1654 and consisted of nine weather stations. The farthest station was located in Warsaw. This network operated for 13 years until 1667.

  • The first set of instructions for weather observations was developed in 1723 in the United Kingdom, which included a list of necessary instruments and a description of measurement methodologies.

  • In Kyiv, the first instrumental meteorological observations began in 1771. The first meteorological station in Ukraine was established in 1809 in the village of Kruchik in what is now the Kharkiv region. By 1825, amateur meteorological stations were set up in cities such as Kyiv, Berdychiv, Odesa, Poltava, Mykolaiv, and Kherson.

  • The first domestic network of meteorological stations, the Prydniprovska network, was established at the end of the 19th century and included about 700 observation points. It operated until 1917.

  • The State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine was founded in 1921. In 1948, the service joined the World Meteorological Association (WMO).

  • Scientific research and experiments on active influences on meteorological processes and phenomena began in the future Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (UMC) in the 1960s.

  • The oldest operating agricultural meteorological station in Ukraine, "Mykitsky Sad," celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009. The station is located near Yalta, in the currently occupied Crimea. While it is known that the station continues to operate, its current technical condition remains unknown.

  • 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (UMC), and we extend our best wishes to the entire team for many more years of productive and successful work, scientific achievements, and discoveries!

Based on the materials from Wikipedia, the official website of UMC, and other open sources.