ENG news

How long does the station "live"?

One of the main questions that arise when consulting a new client is how long the weather station will last, work stably, and provide accurate measurements.

We started installing METEOTREK weather stations in 2017 when the first station models underwent field tests and confirmed the stability of their operation.

Working "in the fields," we often come across the remains of weather stations from other manufacturers that were installed earlier, and we can at least assess their condition based on their appearance.

It is clear that any weather station, regardless of the number of measured parameters and their type, is used in outdoor conditions. Therefore, all weather phenomena constantly affect its technical condition. Sun, frost, dust, wind, precipitation - all of these gradually damage the elements of the weather station.

But not only the weather conditions determine how many years the station will provide accurate data. To ensure the quality operation of the station for a long time, we recommend periodic inspection and maintenance. For example, in the main photo before the publication, the very first METEOTREK weather station installed in 2016. In nearly 6 years of use, the battery has been replaced, firmware updated, and the rain sensor is calibrated every year. Staff also monitor the cleanliness of the solar panel, the rain sensor, and the smooth operation of the wind sensors. We have already explained how to perform the recommended maintenance in our video.

The condition of this weather station can be compared to others that we receive for service or repair. The photo clearly shows what can happen to your weather stations if you leave them unattended.
But most importantly, the majority of the sensors continue to perform their function and, after cleaning, return to use in the fields.

On these stations, only the temperature and humidity sensors, wind direction sensors, which lost their smooth movement, were replaced, and the controller's housing was updated with new firmware. The weather stations return to the client in fully working condition after servicing at a cost of approximately 30% of the price of a new weather station.

Of course, it is essential to consider the moral aging of the stations and sensors since we are constantly improving firmware performance, connecting and testing new sensors through various interfaces. We cannot guarantee the eternal operation of our equipment, but we can confidently state that METEOTREK weather stations can work well for at least 5 years with proper care and timely maintenance.