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New devices

In 2020, we're introducing new capabilities!

2019 was a year of experiments and testing for us. We received several requests for custom weather stations, which led to the development of an entirely new range of weather stations for the coming years:

Meteotrek Rain and Rain + Air - autonomous sensors for monitoring rainfall and air parameters.
Meteotrek Soil and Soil + Rain - autonomous sensors for soil monitoring at various levels and precipitation.
Meteotrek Mobi - a mobile station for monitoring the execution of technological operations.
Meteotrek RW 2.0 - our flagship weather station with maximum features, significantly redesigned in terms of electronics and operational logic, and most importantly, it's half the price compared to last year.

Updated station models starting from $216, along with a subscription cost reduced by half - a pleasant surprise for all agricultural business representatives for the upcoming 2020 season.